Are you ready to switch the lights on?
One of the most learned books about life.
This exceptionally heartfelt book offers peace and understanding as you dance through your inner soul journey. More than just another self-help book, Who Switched the Lights On? is one of the more profound and realistic books about life that summarises an eye-opening ten-year journey.
Get ready to switch on the lights of your life and inner soul journey.
The author masterfully extracted the key learnings from that confronting, yet enlightening, time so you, too, can walk in harmony through your life.
“Awakening is a process. It is one that I am still progressing through. Living an authentic life involves becoming un-conditioned, and that takes time. It takes time to adjust to all the things you couldn’t see before. It is painful and it takes a great deal of reflection, introspection and awareness. But being aware means that you can now distinguish between the dark and the light.”
Be prepared to shine brighter than you ever have; triumphant and graceful.
Who Switched the Lights On? is a companion guide for the person ready to have an illuminated life.
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When you order your copy of Who Switched the Lights On? you’ll receive a copy of my exclusive workbook, designed to inspire you to document your own personal story – who knows, you may want to share it with the world one day too!
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