Dream BIG!


A question I am being asked a lot these days is… ‘What is your book about?’ ‘What is the genre?’

Good question!

The answer should come easily to me …. but I still often find myself struggling to answer it. Considering my book is due out soon, I better get my act together.

So this is where I get to practice…

My book, ‘Who Switched the Lights On?’ is an honest account of the last eight years of my life. It is the story of who I was then and who I am now, and some of the things I have come to understand along the way. It is a book about my personal growth and the growth in my awareness.

The purpose of the book is to share some of these insights with my readers, hoping that in some way, it might illuminate something for them about their own lives or circumstances. I am not a famous person sharing my story, nor am I a celebrity. I am very much like everyone else. So, in writing this book, I hope to connect with the people out there who are looking for a little reassurance and some inspiration.

Around the time of my 40th birthday, I began challenging everything I had known to be true up to that point. Circumstances at the time had made me question who I was and how this aligned to who I wanted to be. What I soon realised is that my belief system, which was based on my conditioning, my culture, and my upbringing, was no longer supporting me. The cracks in this were starting to show…

.….and, as they say, the cracks are what allows the light to come in.Life has a way of showing us when we are on the wrong path. I have a really bad habit of clinging to things for dear life as I (wrongly) believe that without them, I will no longer be the person I am known to be. In creating this resistance, I allow myself to be defined by these things and therefore limit the potential of who I am really meant to become.

I continue to be challenged and I continue to work on these aspects. To be honest, I don’t really have to. I can just chill and be content with where I am at. But one thing I know for sure, is that I haven’t yet found what I am really here to do. So, until then, I will continue to follow the cookie crumbs.

Growth is a process of unbecoming everything you thought you were, in order to make room to become everything you have the potential to be. This takes time. My book had to end somewhere; the process however doesn’t ever end. Life is very much about becoming, I don’t think you ever actually arrive.

At the moment, I am going through the process of becoming an author. It is new and unchartered territory, and yes, some days I wonder whether I am really cut out for this gig. But you know what keeps me going? The fact that I have always dreamt of being an author. It has been the one constant in my life; one of my biggest dreams. So why would I give up now when that dream is so close to becoming a reality? I would never forgive myself!

So onwards and upwards.

My coach in life often says – ‘Believe it and you will see it’, as opposed to, ‘you will believe it when you see it’. There is a big difference. The soul knows what it needs to do. It is the mind that fills us with fear, telling us that we are not good enough; telling us that we can only react and take action once we are presented with a certain set of conditions and circumstances.

To have real faith is to believe that everything is possible and then work to enable it to unfold. To take my example:

I never thought I would become an author, but I always knew and believed I would.

Take it from me. There is no limit to what can be achieved if you believe it is possible and believe you are worthy of it.

To 'think' is to allow your mind and your fears to control the way forward. To believe is to allow your soul or your truth to guide you along the right path.

The message I was given today was to believe in big. Visualise and believe that anything is possible. I am really good at dreaming big. So today’s dream goes a little like this:

Step 1: Aspiring Author

Step 2: Published Author

Step 3: Best Selling Author

Step 4: Acclaimed Author

Step 5: Interview with Oprah…. too big?? Ha!

What does your BIG dream look like?

Thank you for helping me articulate what my book is all about. I am getting there!

With gratitude


(P.S. I would love for you to come along with me on this journey to fulfilling my dreams. While I am in the process of setting up my online space, please DM me on Instagram or FB Messenger, or fill in the fields below. All I need is your email address if you would like to receive my updates. You will be one of the first to know when my book is ready for pre-purchase, together with any special offers) 

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