How is 2020 looking to you so far?


Oh my, where have the past couple of months gone?

What a start it has been to the new decade! Extreme to say the least. And in the year of 2020, it sure seems that many things are coming to light. Is this the year where the light truly does come on, and the things that need to be exposed will? Many things are being put under the spotlight. For some, it’s about time!

In my last blog, I think I was pretty clear about setting my intentions in a frank discussion with the Universe. I know it is possible to manifest everything you want in life if you keep your vibe high and not get dragged down by the energies around you. But it very often easier said than done. I am very conscious about not sending mixed messages as I know the Universe is very sensitive to the things we transmit.

At times, I feel myself slipping and when I do, it takes me a little time to get back up to my ideal frequency. When we slip off a higher frequency, we open the door to all of the crap and all of the negative elements to venture in and try to take our power from us. The rubbish always sinks to the bottom, heavily weighed down by drama and darkness. And if you happen to venture to that place, you too will be exposed. Try not to stay there too long.

I can usually tell when this is happening to me, so I can often close that door before it gets out of hand. It takes strength to do that. It’s not easy to push the door closed when so many are on the other side trying to force it open.

There is evidence all around the world that things are beginning to unravel and become exposed. Structures which were the pillars of our society are beginning to be challenged and some are starting to crumble. This fact requires a redefining of some of the things we held to be true.

Consider the controversy that continues to surround the Catholic Church, and our big banks as they continue to recover from the fall out of a Royal Commission. What about the exposure of misogynistic behaviours and cover ups by some of our most prestigious schools? Then, there are the big organisations exposing themselves for having underpaid their staff. You can just imagine the advice being given to these companies by lawyers and PR companies: come out while you are in good company and can hide behind the veil of all the others; admit your failings and avoid jail time. Bury yourself amongst the rest of the news and it will quickly blow over. Good advice!

These are examples of some of the man-made structures, what about mother nature? Well, haven’t we all been pissing her off, lately? Fires, floods.... once again she shows us that no matter how smart or strong we think we are, only she holds the true power. Mess with her and she can wipe us all out with a single blow.

And now there’s the coronavirus. COVID-19 has penetrated our lives, travelling and spreading effectively so as to create angst and fear all over the world. Big pharmaceutical companies are scrambling to come up with vaccines that could potentially create their next big windfall, while hand sanitiser manufacturers step up production as the population goes to great length to protect themselves from what appears to be a new strain of the flu (disclaimer: only my opinion, I am not a health professional). Meanwhile, the Chinese practically place themselves in quarantine to avoid dealing with the disapproval of the rest of the world, and the bias towards them.

It just goes to show, the ripple effect of something like this. Economies all over the world are being affected by the coronavirus, showing us once again, that despite our distance and all of our efforts to protect ourselves, there are some things that we are just not immune to. In the end, the effects of coronavirus will be much more significant than just those on our health. Even if contracted, the coronavirus can be treated. It is those people with pre-existing medical conditions and the elderly and very young who are at risk. All efforts should be made to protect these people. But with good awareness and good hygiene practices, the medical emergency can be recovered from; the economic implications can be a little more difficult to manage.

I have high hopes for this year, although at times I am questioning whether I am being realistic, considering how it has all started. But is it just time for a clean-up? It is only once things are exposed, that the clean-up can begin.

Humans are a reactive bunch; we don’t really believe things are serious until they have actually arrived.  When things go wrong, the powerful people meet to discuss how to prevent it all happening again. The things that are lost are recognised but quickly forgotten, serving only to protect the lives of others in the future.

The first couple of months of this new decade, whilst they appeared promising, have failed to fulfil their promises. For me, it has been a time of reflection as the micro things around me also begin to show their true colours. And just like the rest of the world, lessons need to be learnt, and decisions made in order for progress to occur. I may slip off my frequency from time to time, and I don’t really like myself that much when I do. My job is to work quickly to clean the mess, remove the cobwebs and get back on track to where I was heading in the first place.

I can sit here and be really disappointed; trust me, I am extremely disappointed with a few aspects of my life. The truth is that nobody really cares anyway. The choice to move on, to change and to look for better opportunities lies with one person only, and that’s me. And because I know I have much more value that I am often shown, the only person who can make me feel better is in fact, me.

I hope you all stay safe and don’t buy into the fear which currently surrounds us. There is a bigger picture to all of this and 2020 is the year that will begin to make all of that very clear.

Enjoy this extra day we have been given, in 2020, a leap year.     

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