If I were a Boy....
Let’s face it…..
If I were a boy, there would be no question as to whether or not I was capable of leading a business. It would be my birthright.
If I were a boy, I would join a political party, knowing that the road would be easier than if I were a woman.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t be judged by the clothes I wear, or the colour of my hair, or whether my greys were showing because I hadn’t had time to go to the hairdresser as I juggled the job, the house and the kids, all on my own.
If I were a boy, I could wear the same suit to work every day, perhaps with a different tie, and no-one would even notice or care.
If I were a boy, I would make the rules up as I go and get away with it. Different expectations for different genders. Didn’t you get that memo?
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t be expected to behave like a lady. I could make up excuses and call on my friends to back me up.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t have to celebrate a special women’s day. It would be my day every day.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t be held to such a high standard of parenting. Nor would I feel any guilt when I missed an important event or was unavailable for my kids because I had to be elsewhere.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t have to decide on whether I should work or give up on my career when the kids came along. Life would just go on without interruption.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t be labelled as aggressive when I tried to get my point across or when I was trying to be assertive. Nor would I be labelled as too emotional when I was showing vulnerability.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t have to work so hard to earn a seat at the board table, nor would it be gifted to me as a token gesture or in order to meet legislated quotas.
If I were a boy, other men would not try to talk over me in meetings or dismiss my ideas.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t be afraid to walk home, catch an Uber or ride on public transport.
If I were a boy, I would not be objectified nor judged on the basis of my physical appearance.
If I were a boy, I would not have to feel like I had to look a certain way, or reach a certain standard to be accepted. I wouldn’t have to cover up with makeup, dress a particular way, squeeze into a certain dress size or fear the ageing process.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t have to impress anyone.
If I were a boy, I would never know the feeling of carrying another life inside of my body, or the simultaneous pain and joy of giving birth.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t know what it meant to give life to another human being, to have them be nourished by my own body. I wouldn’t get to share that special bond which comes with being a mother.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t have the emotional intelligence, the connections, the empathy and the vulnerability that makes me who I am.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t know how to juggle a dozen things at once and be exceptional at all of them.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t have had the same life experiences. The chapters of my story would have read a little differently. I would not have had the same challenges. The challenges that inspire me, motivate me, and make me strive to be better than I was yesterday. Nor would I have had the motivation to smash through labels and stereotypes, to step outside my comfort zone, to thump my hand on the table and demand that my voice be heard because I have something of value to say, and I deserve my place.
If I were a boy, I would not have had to walk away from the things I loved. I would have stayed to fight knowing full well that I could win.
If I were a boy, I wouldn’t take things for granted, knowing I could lose them at any moment.
If I were a boy, I would treat women, and all people, with the respect they deserve.
If I were a boy, I would listen more, value more, respond appropriately when it was needed.
If I were a boy, I would stand up for others and call out inappropriate behaviours.
If I were a boy, I would use my brain more rather than the other parts of my body that had the ability to cloud my judgement.
If I were a boy, I would work to become more self-aware and keep my ego in check.
If I were a boy, I would use that to my advantage and work to make life better for the people I loved.
If I were a boy, I would change the world.
If I were a boy, I would be a better man.
But…. I am just a girl.
And I am so happy I am.
This girl doesn’t need to impress anyone.
This girl is strong, confident, humble, grounded and capable.
This girl is comfortable in her own skin.
This girl is accountable only to herself.
This girl is aware that she is a role model for others.
This girl is independent and makes choices based on what is best for her and those she loves.
This girl has a voice and is not afraid to use it, or to turn up the volume when necessary.
This girl feels the pain of others and responds to that call.
This girl wants other girls to feel confident, to believe in themselves and to succeed in their endeavours.
This girl will do everything she can to make the world a better place.
I AM that girl.