Uphill Struggle


I have been feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

During my walk today, I felt like I was walking uphill the whole way... and boy was I struggling. Sure, it has been a couple of days since I pounded the pavement, but today felt as if I was carrying a whole lot of 'stuff' along with me; heavy 'stuff'.

Weighed down by the enormous list of tasks I have to get done, and with a mind full of clutter and chatter, it took me a long time to relax and get into the flow of just walking and being in the moment.

You see, at the moment, time is not my friend, and boy do I need it to stop and be nice to be, even just for a little while. Even the dog seems to be unnecessarily time-wasting today, scratching and sniffing at every opportunity. My patience is wearing thin.

I seem to have a habit of taking on mammoth tasks and then taking on lots of little ones because I find it hard to say no. I know I will get it all done, but will it all get done in time and to the appropriate standard? That is the begging question.

I have spent the whole day researching lotus flowers. I have learnt that it is too cold in Victoria and hence they will not flower until December at least. The kind man at Blue Lotus suggested I call nurseries where the climate is warmer. Great advice, so I called Queensland. Next problem: whilst they would have flowered by October in Queensland, transporting them is a problem as the blooms only last for 3 days and in the dark they close up. So I guess that rules them out for a dimly lit ballroom in Melbourne.

I was so determined, and still am in some way, to ensure that lotus flowers feature at the event. Until I exhaust all possibilities, I am hopeful of solving this dilemma. During my phone calls I must have sounded like a bride, determined to have certain flowers in her bouquet. Although I was nice to everyone on the phone, and they were extremely helpful, I couldn't help thinking that I had become obsessed with lotus flowers. Was I starting to sound like a Brizedilla? Is there such a thing as a Galaballzilla? Well, if there is, I must be one!

To top off the day, our proposed MC for the event will not be available as she is going overseas, which brings me back to the drawing board once again. I am getting quite sick of the drawing board, I need to get off it asap!

On a more positive note, today was a glorious day, weather wise. And this is a big deal because.... if you live in Melbourne, you would know that the weather is a hot topic here, everyday. It changes so much, not just from one day to the next, but within the same day.

I couldn't help noticing that whilst I was walking uphill, the sky looked as confused as I felt. The sky was not sure whether it should laugh or cry. Here was a spectacular sunset, contrasted by the looming ugliness of dark clouds.

Who will win? Only tomorrow will tell....

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