Who's With Me?
I am becoming increasingly concerned about what we are being subjected to in Victoria, and more widely, in the whole world. My birthplace, Melbourne, the city I am proud to call home, is becoming unrecognisable. Without soul and substance. This is not the place I know and love.
For the very first time in my life, I find myself questioning my choices around where I live and looking for other options which will enhance the freedom and well-being of my family. Even my children, who resist change at the best of times, are opening their eyes to the prospect of something different. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be contemplating this in relation to this beautiful country.
For this was the lucky country. A land where our freedoms were respected and protected. A country where people from the rest of the world came to seek refuge and opportunity. What has happened to that country?
I have many friends who have left their own birthplaces in search of something better. An opportunity to carve out a better life for their families. These people are hard workers. They have opened businesses, paid their taxes, contributed to our economy. They have become proud Australians, pledging their allegiance. And now, I watch sadly as they prepare to throw in the towel. Believing that they would be better off in the country they had previously chosen to leave.
My own parents came to this so called lucky country in the late 1960’s and they have made their own dreams come true. Opportunities identified and risks taken, resulting in reward. Hard work, sacrifice… but always comfortable in the knowledge that our systems were fair, our processes transparent, and our freedoms safeguarded. So many businesses, particularly smaller businesses, today, watch helplessly as their livelihoods vanish before their very eyes.
What the hell is going on? And more importantly, why are we all sitting back and allowing it to happen?
My voice may not be very loud, but I am going to say what I think anyway. You might think yours isn’t very loud either, but what if we all spoke at the same time? Perhaps it would penetrate through the noise and vibrate into the places where it needs to be heard.
I have said long ago that there is much more going on beneath the surface of covid than many of us will choose to admit. I am not saying that a virus does not exist. It does….in the same way that other viruses exist. How it eventuated and was transmitted will hopefully become more apparent in time. But does its existence justify the actions that have been taken to manage it? No it doesn’t! We are all being fed, and shown, only parts of a bigger picture and we are being influenced by propaganda and attempts to control us, by making us fearful. But the facts, and the real experts, are starting to tell a very different story. Evidence does not lie. The real truth cannot be manipulated. It will eventually come to light.
In the past couple of months, I have finished writing another book. Losing my job and having to slow right down, gave me the time to think and reflect. I found myself writing in order to make sense of what was happening and how I felt about it. Before I knew it, I had enough content for another book. Once again, the book is based on my own perspective. It may not necessarily be yours. I am eager to get it out there as I believe the messages are pertinent at this particular time in history. Hence why we are working hard to have it out on the shelves prior to Christmas.
Now, I am not one to take extreme views. I prefer a more balanced approach. Sure, I can get caught up in the odd conspiracy theory and am open to different perspectives, but I rely on my gut to guide me and help me sift through what we are being shown. But herein lies the problem. We are being shown only what the powers that be want us to see and believe. They zoom in to highlight only particular points, making them appear much larger than they are, when the real story requires a much wider lens. We buy into what we are shown because we believe what we are told in the mainstream media. We are fearful to challenge what we are told because we don’t want to be in the minority. It seems to be much safer and easier to hide amongst the masses.
What we should be doing, however, is asking questions. Challenging what we are told. Asking for appropriate context. Demanding evidence to back up the theories and to justify the measures being taken. As Alan Jones said in a recent interview ‘if this was a court of law, we would need to see the evidence’. You can watch the video here. Where is the evidence to prove that the lengths we are going to are working, or will work? What about the cases? We know how many there are each day, but are they serious? How many people have recovered? Then there is talk about most of these cases being among the elderly and health care workers. So why are we all being locked up? Surely, there is some sort of compromise, a hybrid solution, that could at least enable some of us to get back to work.
There is evidence coming to light every day to suggest the government may have got this all wrong. And even more sinister, it’s starting to become more apparent that the motives for controlling us in this way have absolutely nothing to do with a virus.
Let’s talk about the virus itself for a minute. Now, I am no expert in medicine or science, but I have done some research for my new book. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses. Most of these are harmless to humans. Four types are known to cause common colds, and two others can cause severe lung infections. The covid-19 appears to be more similar to SARS. SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – is a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus. It is a contagious and potentially fatal disease. An outbreak of SARS occurred in 2002/3 but it is no longer circulating. This disease was also reported to have originated in Asia.
The issue with covid-19, the name given to this particular coronavirus by the World Health Organisation on Feb 11, 2020, was that not much was known about it and the world therefore preceded with caution and extreme measures in an attempt to eliminate it. But in any given year, we see the emergence of a new and different strain of the flu. Influenza in its true form can potentially be deadly. It has always been a threat to those with compromised health systems. This is one of the many risks in life which cannot be fully mitigated, no more than you can determine the likelihood of being in a fatal accident.
Do you know how many people have died from the flu in Australia between January and June of 2020? The answer is 36[1]. Do you know how many people died of the flu in Australia in 2019? The answer is 900. Last year was reported to be the worst year in history for flu cases, even though the number of deaths was even higher in 2017 at 1100[2]
Let’s turn to our current circumstances. How many people have died of covid in 2020 so far in Australia? With yesterday’s (Sept 10) announcement of another 11 deaths in Victoria, it brings the national total up to 792, with Victoria’s contribution being 705 deaths, three quarters of which can be attributed to the aged care sector. So overall, we are showing average figures, not much different to any other year. This also shows a couple of other things. Measures all over the country (except Victoria) are working, and people who have died from the flu and covid combined amount to just over 100 people. What is happening in Victoria is not consistent with the rest of the picture. Why not? Is it because it is the place where the virus decided it would take up refuge. We know we are the most livable city, but I doubt we have been singled out just because we are special!
Now, I could go on forever, but there are also serious questions around the classifications of these so called covid deaths in Victoria. I have heard the stories so many times for them to just be rumours. But let’s just say, for the point of the exercise, that I don’t have the proof to back this one up; it is just what I have heard, time and time again. I have heard on a number of occasions that families have been offered to have the funerals of their loved ones paid for in order to accept the cause of death recorded as covid. I have also heard that there are grants of significant amounts being paid to the aged care facilities for each covid related death. I am astounded to hear these allegations.
Here is a factual piece of information. Out of all of the covid related deaths in Australia, less than 10 percent of them can be attributed solely to covid. Over 90 percent had a comorbidity, that is, there were other underlying factors which may have contributed to the death. Why is it so important that the numbers are attributed to covid rather than any other causes? Justification is why? Suddenly there are KPI’s to be met, even for this. How sad is that? Our livelihoods are being threatened just so the government can meet its targets. Those same targets that spit out a particular looking graph. How else will they build a case when all of the shit suddenly hits the fan.
Day by day, more and more evidence is coming to light. People have had enough. Even the experts are starting to find their voice and call out the behaviour. But we need to step up the pressure before there are more casualties, and I am talking about the real costs of this virus: the increase in mental illness, domestic violence and suicide. I bet some of these statistics are being reclassified as covid deaths too. They will need to be hidden so we can’t accurately measure the social costs. But we are not stupid. We know it’s real because we are the ones living it, and so are our families, our friends, and our neighbours.
Let’s make no mistake, covid is a disease, one which seems to be resulting in greed and a quest for power and control. A money making exercise, paid for by the hard working tax payer. The costs for this are enormous and leave a long lasting legacy. And not a good one!
Is it possible that we are just so incompetent in Victoria? We have been locked down for most of the year. And yet, we are clearly the only state in the country with a problem. The measures have not and will not work. This has gone too far.
Now you see why I have written another book. This web is so complex and so intricate that there is no shortage of content when it comes to this. Whilst the approach taken in my book has been a little more positive and hopeful, it is still necessary to point out what is obvious to me, in order to inspire you to make up your own mind and challenge what you are being told. Rather than accepting what you are told, do you own research, and come to your own conclusions.
I don’t like to provide commentary without providing some solutions, but I don’t have any that are different to those you have heard before. I think it is imperative that we get the wheels of Victoria moving again. Victoria on the move has become Victoria standing still. And day by day the damage multiplies exponentially. The only solution I can provide is to suggest we all start to focus on the bigger picture. Call out the behaviour. And ideally, if we could reach a consensus and work as a collective, we need to raise our voices to the loudest possible decibel. We need to challenge the legality of what is being imposed on us, and we need to demand change. This is our state. We live in a democracy. It does not belong to one man. That would mean we are living in a dictatorship.
We cannot eliminate this virus. We have to learn how to manage it and get on with living. And the sooner we do that, the better!
I’m sad. I’m devastated. I’m doing the best I can. I’m following the rules. I have a right to speak. And this is the way I chose to use my voice. Please use yours in the most effective way, and among us all, let’s hope there is someone who has the courage to step up and navigate us through these muddy waters. And if not, I am prepared to go in search of something better.
Who’s with me?
[1] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-23/coronavirus-restrictions-cause-flu-cases-to-drop-australia/12480190#:~:text=Hundreds%20of%20Australian%20flu%20deaths%20have%20been%20avoided,430%20deaths%20in%20the%20same%20period%20for%202019.
[2] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-11/early-outbreaks-to-blame-for-worst-flu-season-on-record/11949320