The Queen in All of Us
Extracted from Introduction of "Who Switched the Lights On"
“I’m not a Princess, I don’t need saving, I’m a Queen, I got this shit!” Unknown
Before we embark on this little journey together, I want you to prepare to put all of your negative thoughts to one side, even if it’s just for the time you happen to have this book in your hands.
I want you to take a deep breath and close your eyes. I want you to imagine a place where you feel relaxed and fulfilled. Now, imagine you are sitting on a large throne, wearing a beautiful gown (a very expensive one). Someone is approaching you with the most beautiful crown you have ever seen. They move slowly towards you and delicately place the crown on your head. Your hair has been beautifully styled for this special occasion, of course!
You smile gracefully as everyone cheers loudly. You know you are worthy of this title.
You are a queen, and just like the crown you wear, you sparkle every single day. You radiate the kind of light that people bask in just to feel its warmth.
You are worthy of all that you desire. You have the power to be all that you want to be, just by believing in yourself.
Once you open your eyes, reality will hit you like a tonne of bricks but please hold the image of you on the throne close by. Now it’s time to deal with your life just the way it is, warts and all. What I want you to remember is that you are special and as worthy as any other human, royalty included.
All you have to do is choose to SHINE bright.
Don’t spend your life trying to be something you are not. Just accept that you are ENOUGH just the way you are. Work with that; aspire to be happy and everything else will fall into place.
And remember…. some of us were put on this earth to lead average lives…and that’s true for most of us. An average life can still yield some incredible results. Work with what you’ve got and I guarantee you can make it great!
To quote Elon Musk “ordinary people have the choice to be extraordinary”
You have the power. It has been placed in your hands. You get to choose what you do with it.
Go Queen!